Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Finding a bearable electric heater

I have neglected the blog-friendly listings of recommended sources we've used this far, so here's a shocker - I found an electric panel heater (no gas in these parts and what with the price of oil....) that actually looks ok and is made by Dimplex! I know, weren't they one of those dull British companies making dull, poorly-designed things? Not any more....
It's a white, glass-fronted and nearly square, and half the price of the stone radiators we were going to get. Whilst we will rely mainly on the inset woodburner for heat, it's realistic to have a back up for when you get in on a cold night or run out of logs. (That can happen, even with your own woodland, especially when it's got a Tree Preservation Order).

See more about the Dimplex range here.


  1. nice photo. the shack sure looks good now its decorated and had the contemporary bed installed.

  2. sadly thats a pic from the dimplex brochure :-)

  3. But the wall lights and black and white cartier bresson prints are so you guys!
